Movies and TV have always done their part to make hacking look exciting. Those are just movies, though, right? Nope! Even in the real world, there are good hackers, known as white hat hackers, and bad hackers, known as black hat hackers. And to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with…
Category: Cool Gadgets
Discover cutting-edge technology without breaking the bank. Our lists feature cool, reasonably priced gadgets that bring innovation into your everyday life.
How to Choose the Best Robot Assistant in 2021?
A robot assistant refers to a machine that helps you with your day-to-day activities. Robot assistants are more like companions that make people’s lives easier by performing specific tasks ranging from organizing schedules to acting as educational assistants. They are designed to help you run your home more smoothly, make…
Choosing the Best Robot Dog Toy: Cheap, Cute, Realistic, & More
A robot dog may seem like one of those crazy ideas born of sci-fi movies, but if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll know that these are a real thing and have been for the longest time. One of the popular variants of this is Sony’s Aibo, which was first launched…
Choosing the Perfect Robot Cat: Top 7 Realistic, Fluffy, Interactive, and More
According to studies and research, about 75% of people stated that owning a cat can reduce anxiety and depression by helping with loneliness and stress. But what if you or a member of your family has allergies? Or you don’t feel very excited about dealing with cat’s poop and smells? …
Finding the Best Electric Fireplace: 8 Best Cheap, Modern, for RV, etc
The allure that a fireplace adds to a home is immense, but it also brings many risks. In an average year, over 20,000 structure fires are related to traditional fireplace and chimney use. I mean, you have a roaring fire in the center of your living room that clearly can…
Binary Watch, Ergonomic Mousepad, and 10 More Awesome Gifts for Coders
Coding, also known as programming, is becoming more popular than it has ever been. Once considered a full-time profession requiring degrees and formal education, it has become more accessible than ever in modern days. So that anyone can learn how to code pretty much for free using resources found on…
Best Bluetooth Receiver: Top 11 for Speakers, Cheapest, Top-Rated, etc.
Bluetooth receivers have always been in the market, but the recent rise in their demand is unprecedented. This increase in the hype is due to many features, e.g., long battery life, a broad range of functions, high compatibility, and connectivity with tons of other devices. To cope with the tiring…
17 Cool Office Desk Gadgets: for Stress Control, Productivity, and Fun
Every time they show a powerful CEO’s desk in the movies, he always has a Newton’s Cradle on it. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a desk gadget made of those metal balls that clack against each other back and forth. It’s always fun to look at, and…
15 Best RV Gadgets That Will Turn Your Camping into Glamping
Over the last few years, 40 million people went camping in recreational vehicles (RVs). The average RV owner spends 3 to 4 weeks every year in those. If you’ll be spending this much time there or living in it full-time, it is integral that it is as comfortable as possible….
Best Air Quality Monitor: Top 7 with Pros, Cons, and FAQ
According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, more than 5.5 million people die from air pollution each year. So, an air quality monitor maybe not the most common purchase out there. But it’s definitely a useful one given how poorly we are handling air pollution issues at…
Best Star Projector: Laser, for Adults, Cheapest, Moving, etc.
Even the cheapest (but well-built) star projector can show planets, stars, and galaxies in your own home. Astronomy enthusiasts can use these as a light feature for a party, by parents to help kids sleep or simply educate on space/astronomy, or for a cool decoration feature for your home. And…
10 Amazing Car Gadgets That Will Supercharge Your Driving
The market for car gadgets worldwide is worth more year after year. In fact, by 2022, it’s expected to be worth more than 500 billion dollars globally. If you have a car, you’ve likely bought some techy things for it before, and very likely that you’ll buy more in the…
11 Cool Robot Gadgets for Coding, Cleaning, Pranks, etc.
Robot gadgets are cool. And by now, they are playing a huge role in our lives. Some robots are designed to provide assistance in extreme disasters that humans just can’t handle. This includes raging wildfires, navigating precarious earthquake wreckage, and even navigating zones with dangerous amounts of nuclear radiation. Even…
6 Best Drones with Wifi Camera: 4K, Foldable, Under $100 and More
If you are a beginner and only here for a quick suggestion for a good drone with wifi camera, I’d say go with . It’s small and lightweight (hence no licensing). It boasts a very decent 2.7k HD camera quality and is very easy to handle by first-time drone owners….
Choosing the Best Tent Heater: Top 5 Propane, Catalytic, Portable, and more
Going camping with the tent heater is not just about being comfortable. Prolonged cold exposure can have adverse effects on our health. Even in the warmest months, nights can still get unbearably cold. And hypothermia is not a new thing for climbers and backpackers. As far back as 1966, a…
Best Backpacking Grill: Top 8 Portable, Cheap, Titanium, and More
There was that good old report published back in 2017 by Coleman Company. It showed that nearly half of the respondents listed cooking outdoors as a favorite activity during a trip. Despite this, cooking grills or equipment didn’t make a list of the top 10 camping items purchased in the…
11 Best Spy Gadgets: Cheap, Wireless, Mini, and More
Surveillance and espionage equipment make up a giant market, with sales of surveillance equipment worldwide projected to exceed $20 billion in 2020. The need to find answers will forever be a good way to fuel humans, and it fuels the sale of spy things too. Do you think someone has…
17 Genius Gifts for Writers: from Writer’s Block Fixers to Writing Fuel Machines
Writers. Where would we be without them? They educate us, challenge us, correct us, and entertain us. No matter the type of writer, we have to admit that we need them in society to function (Ahem! You’re reading this text from a writer, duh!). If you are close to someone…
9 Fantabulous 80s Gifts Ideas: Gems from Casio, Nintendo, & More
Neon tights, aerobic workouts, mullets, scrunchies, The Breakfast Club, Madonna, and oversized blazers. This is the 80’s, loud, crazy, and colorful. The decade of spunky, upbeat music and high, messy hair. They were radiant times, and we are truly seeing a comeback of this style today. Even recent hits, shows…
Best Tablet for Note-Taking: Cheapest, Good for Meetings, etc.
According to researchers, if you write down a piece of information, you have a 34% chance of retaining it. But if you don’t, you only have about a 5% chance of remembering it later. And that is exactly why picking the best tablet for note-taking is a more important task…